
The abstract and paper submission process is handled by ConfTool here.

All authors whose abstract is accepted will be invited to submit a full paper.

We warmly welcome two types of conference papers:

  • Scientific Scopus conference papers , recommended length 6-8 pages
  • Technical/practical papers, not necessarily applying scientific methods, but presenting case studies, practical applications and project introductions, recommended length 2-4 pages

Both scientific and technical papers will undergo the review process by the scientific committee, however with different criteria. Purely commercial presentations are not accepted.

All accepted papers will be invited to give an oral or poster presentation at the event.


Abstract submission deadline is 15th October 2023

The abstracts should be:

  • Written in English
  • No more than 400 words in length
  • The abstract format  is not required, but it needs to contain title, authors, affiliation, abstract, keywords.
  • Submitted via Conftool (link)


Word and Latex templates are available below. You are required to use one of these templates.

Instructions are enclosed in the templates. Please read and adhere carefully to the template instructions as it will speed up the publication process.

Papers must be submitted in English

WordTemplate_BSN2024 (Research paper) (E3S conference series templates)
WordTemplate_BSN2024 (Technical paper) (E3S conference series templates)
LaTeX2e (E3S conference series templates)

Powerpoint template for presentations:

Presentation submission

Submission link for presentations is Presentation should be submitted the day before presentation time.

Key dates

15th October 2023      Abstract submission
1st November 2023   Acceptance of abstracts
1st December 2023    Submission of full paper
15th February 2024    Acceptance of full paper
1st April 2024              Submission of final paper  

31st May 2024              Submission of Camera-ready PDF version and Publication right form



Scientific papers will be published in E3S Web of Conferences and indexed in Scopus and other databases including attribution of DOI and indexation to CrossRef.

Technical papers will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

Scientific papers not accepted for E3S will be published in the Book of Abstracts, either in full or in a shortened version (optional).

Book of Abstracts

Technical paper which was not published in the E3S conference series:

Title: Case study: Modelling energy cost savings by utilizing demand response control methods in a residential building equipped with ground-source heat pump system

Authors: Antti Mäkinen, Kari Kallioharju, Aki Kortetmäki

Abstract:This study explores cost-saving strategies in a multi-story residential building through electricity price-based controls, utilizing Nord Pool’s day-ahead market with hourly varying electricity prices (spot pricing). Energy modeling was conducted using IDA ICE software on a building equipped with a ground source heat pump and water-circulating radiators. The study was done in two separate cases (scenarios 1 and 2). In scenario 1 indoor temperatures were lowered by 1-2 degrees Celsius. In scenario 2 the temperature of the two water storage tanks were raised by 5-10 degrees Celsius in response to electricity price fluctuations, resulting in annual energy cost savings of 5.9-7.5% and 1.6-11.2%, respectively. Effects on power distribution cost and specifically effects on power tariff cost were excluded from this analysis.

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