
Welcome to BuildSim Nordic 2024 in Espoo 9-11 June 2024

BuildSim Nordic unites researchers, practitioners, educators and students to exchange ideas, issues and research findings in the field of building performance simulation.

Any research related to building simulation, including system design, HVAC, energy production/use, indoor climate and environmental issues, is eligible to be presented at the event.

BuildSim Nordic 2024 is the 11th BuildSim Nordic conference, and the 3rd International Nordic conference for IBPSA, the International Building Performance Simulation Association.

The event is open for members and non-members of IBPSA-Nordic and we warmly welcome practitioners from the AEC industry to join us for this exciting opportunity to be updated on the newest ideas and research.

Read more about the programme and the keynote speakers.

Keynote speakers

  • Prof. Dr. Kimmo Lylykangas, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
  • Prof. Dr. Chengchu Yan, Nanjing Tech University, China
  • Associate Prof. Dr. Clayton Miller, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
  • Tuomas Laine, Granlund Oy, Finland


Aalto University hosts BuildSim Nordic 2024 at the Aalto Otaniemi campus in Espoo City. Read more about the venue and how to get there.

Photos: Xiaolei Yuan & Suomen Ilmakuva


To be updated later!



Key dates

15th October 2023      Abstract submission
1st November 2023    Acceptance of abstracts
1st December 2023    Submission of full paper
15th February 2024    Acceptance of full paper
1st April 2024              Submission of final paper

31st May 2024             Submission of Camera-ready PDF version and Publication right form

Information mail address

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by the following E-mail address: buildsimnordic2024@ibpsa-nordic.org, xiaolei.yuan@aalto.fi.